1099 Electronic Filing Issue - MN and IA
There is an issue with the year-end Connect release (2024.11) when creating your 1099 state electronic file. This affects step 13 in the
Connect Account Payable Calendar Year-End Checklist when running your state electronic file. The issue stems from the state code not populating on the 1099 recipient record in the Government Reporting module. To resolve this issue, the state code needs to be manually added to each recipient record.
Please follow these steps to resolve the issue.
- In Connect, go to Accounts Payable | Government Reporting.
- Click on 1099 Recipients.
- Click on the appropriate 1099 tab that vendor is receiving (e.g. 1099-Miscellaneous, 1099-Nonemployee Compensation, etc.).
- Click on the States subtab.
- Click the Add a new state button (white paper with green plus button).
- Select either "IA" or "MN" depending on which state you are located and click OK.
- Enter the amount for this vendor from the 1099 conversion report you ran in step 7 into the Income field. Note: This only needs to be completed for the type of 1099 that vendor is receiving.
- Click the record forward button and repeat steps 3 through 7 for each vendor receiving a 1099.
- Once complete, go to Checkout 1099 Recipients.
- Check the Print totals checkbox.
- Verify that the totals match for each 1099 type.
You may now continue with creating your electronic 1099 file for your state.