Budget Workflow - Create a Budget Workflow

Budget Workflow - Create a Budget Workflow

To setup a budget workflow for a department, we need to first make sure there is a group created for that department with the appropriate account numbers assigned.  Then, we need to create the workflow itself.  Follow these instructions on how to create a Budget Workflow

1. In miViewPoint, login with admin rights.
2. On the slide out menu on the left, click Groups.
3. Click Add New in the upper right.
4. Provide a name in the Group Name field.
5. Click on the Tabs tab.
6. Check Budget Queues in the General Ledger section along with any other tabs needed to complete the budget.
7. Click the General Ledger tab.
8. Enter the range or ranges of Revenue and Expenditure accounts this Group is assigned.  It is important that you do not overlap accounts across Groups.  An account number should only be assigned to one Group for Budget Workflow purposes.
9.    Click Save in the upper right.
10. To assign users to this group, click the Group Users tab.
11. Start typing the user name in the Add a User field.  Once you see the name, click on it.  The user will be added to the group.  Repeat this step to add additional users.
12. Click Save in the upper right.
13. On the slide out menu on the left, click Budget Workflow.
14. Click Add New in the upper right.
15. Provide a name in the Department Name field.
16. If you want this department to receive an email when the budget is initialized or rejected, click the Send Emails check box.
17. Check the Budget Department Enabled check box to enable this department.  If this box is not checked, this department is deactivated.
18. Enter the Revenue Accounts and/or Expenditure Accounts for this budget workflow.
19.  If there are accounts that finance or admin sets and do not want the department to make any changes to those numbers, enter those accounts in the Read Only Accounts

IMPORTANT: Do not use the same accounts in steps 18 and 19.  An account number should only be entered one time in one of the areas noted (i.e. Revenue AccountsExpenditures Accounts, or Read Only Accounts). 

20. To create the workflow, follow these steps:
      a. Click the Add a Row check box on the right.
      b. In the grid, enter the Queue Name (e.g. Police Budget).
      c. Select the Group that will have access to enter the budget from the drop-down.
      d. Select the Journal Code that will be used to post the budget into the General Ledger (e.g. BUDGET).
      e. Select the Budget Level that will be used to post the budget into the General Ledger for this step in the workflow (e.g. 1-DEPT REC).
      f. Click the Send Email if Coding Changed After This Step to send an email when a budget has been changed by a subsequent step.
      g. Click the Hide Reject Button if you want to hide the reject button for subsequent approvers.
21. To create a subsequent review step, follow these steps:
      a. Click the Add a Row check box on the right.
      b. In the grid, enter the Queue Name (e.g. Budget Approval).
      c. Select the Group that will have access to approve the budget from the drop-down.
      d. Select the Journal Code that will be used to post the budget into the General Ledger (e.g. BUDGET).
      e. Select the Budget Level that will be used to post the budget into the General Ledger for this step in the workflow (e.g. 2-ADMIN REC).
      f. Click the Send Email if Coding Changed After This Step to send an email when a budget has been changed by a subsequent step.
      g. Click the Hide Reject Button if you want to hide the reject button for subsequent approvers.
22. To create additional approval steps, repeat step 20.
23. Click the Save button at the bottom.

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