Utility Management > Meters > Correct Prior Readings/Usages is used to correct a prior reading only or to correct a prior reading and usage and create billing adjustment transactions.
A corrected meter reading will be placed into Meter Activity for the period selected (e.g., in the screenshot above, the Meter Activity will be corrected in the 3/31/18 period)
If the "Correct previously billed amounts" checkbox is selected, Caselle will create a billing adjustment in the current period to correct the dollar amount billed to the customer for the metered service and any related services.
Steps to Use Correct Prior Period Readings/Usages
1. Use a date in the current period for the adjustment.
2. Select the customer, service, meter id, and period of the incorrect meter reading. If the adjustment is several periods in the past, adjust the oldest period first, and work forwards, making separate adjustments for each period that needs to be changed.
3. Enter in the corrected reading and/or usage for the period, and enter through.
4. To create billing adjustments (i.e., to increase or decrease the amount owed by the customer), click the "Correct previously billed amounts" checkbox, and enter through the adjustment amounts to be created. if you do not wish to adjust the customer's balance (i.e., you only wish to fix the reading), you should unclick that box.
5. Enter all the way through the adjustments or click the blue Save icon to save the adjustment.