Customer Refunds - Accounts Receivable

Customer Refunds - Accounts Receivable

A.   Refund customer overpayment – If there is ever a deposit or overpayment that needs to be refunded to the customer here is the process.

a.    Accounts Payable – setup customer as vendor, enter invoice and use the AR Clearing GL account and cut check.


b.    Accounts Receivable – Customers > Tasks > Enter Payment Adjustments 

                                      i.     Date: use same date as used in AP Invoice Entry above.

                                     ii.     Customer: enter applicable number

                                   iii.     Action: Refund Overpayment

                                   iv.     Description: Refund of …..(enter applicable info)

                                    v.     Amount:  amount of overpayment

                                   vi.     Allocations: Allocate to the appropriate AR invoice.

B.   Refund customer deposit

a.    Accounts Payable – setup customer as vendor, enter invoice and use the same GL account used in the Cash Receipting entry (liability account) and cut check.


b.    Accounts Receivable – Customers > Tasks > Apply/Refund Deposits 

                                      i.     Date: use same date as used in AP Invoice Entry above.

                                     ii.     Customer: enter applicable number

                                   iii.     Action: Refund

                                   iv.     Category: Use same category used when deposit was entered.

                                    v.     Deposit Reference: Select the deposit reference to be refunded.

                                   vi.     Description: Refund of …..(enter applicable info)

                                  vii.     Total to apply: Enter the amount to apply.

                                viii.     Allocations: If the Action is Apply, then this grid displays invoices with a balance. Click on the Allocated column and enter the amount to be applied.