How do I delete a payment adjustment?

How do I delete a payment adjustment?

How do I delete a payment adjustment?

Delete payment adjustments.

To delete a payment adjustment, the transaction date must be in the current period and the
transaction has not been updated to the General Ledger.

Deleting a single payment adjustment
1. Open Connect Utility Management > Customers > Enter Payment Adjustments.
2. Click to select the field titled Date.
3. Enter the transaction date on the transaction that you want to delete.
The transaction history pane on the right displays the transactions that were created on the
transaction date.
4. Find the reference number that belongs to the transaction that you want to delete.
5. Click Delete (CTRL+D).
The Delete Payment Adjustments form displays.
6. Click Delete Single Reference Number.
7. Click to select the field titled Reference Number, and then enter the reference number assigned to
the transaction that you want to delete.
8. Click OK.
The transaction is deleted.