How do I reverse payment on an NSF check?
You can reverse payment on a check with non-sufficient funds.
Reversing payment on an NSF check
1. Open Connect Utility Management > Customers > Enter Payment Adjustments.
2. Click to select the field titled Customer, and enter a customer name or number.
The customer's payment history displays in the section titled Select the Payments to Reverse.
3. Use the Action menu to select Reverse Payment. Press Enter.
The customer's payment history displays in the section titled Select the Payments to Reverse.
4. Click to select the field titled Check Number, and then enter the check number on the NSF check.
5. Click to select the field titled Description, and then enter NSF check.
6. Use the section titled Select the Payments to Reverse to find the check that bounced.
7. Click to select the checkbox next to the bounced check.
If you're not sure which check bounced, you can use the Transactions tab in Inquiry to look up the check
number on the bounced check.
8. Click Save (CTRL+S).
The routine enters the reversing transaction and adjusts the customer's service balance to include the
unpaid amount. The routine will adjust the balance on each service to reflect the service balance that was
recorded before the payment was recorded.