Log into Connect with Your Windows Password
Some setup needs to occur in the Connect security settings. Once this is done, Connect will use the Windows user name and password instead of requiring a user to enter a separate Connect user name and password. This option allows the user to bypass the Connect login dialog box to launch the Connect main applications window. Anyone who is using Microsoft Windows with a user name and password can use this option to log in.
First, find the active directory domain
1. Click Windows Start menu and select File Explorer.
Windows Start menu
2. Right-click Network.
File Explorer
3. Select Properties.
4. Write down the domain name. Example: organizationnet.local
Domain network name
Second, set up the active directory option
1. Open Connect System Management > Security > Modify Security Settings.
2. Click to select the Use Active Directory checkbox.
Use Active Directory checkbox
3. Click to select the Allow Single Sign-on checkbox.
Allow Single Sign-on checkbox
4. Use the Domain box to enter the domain name.
5. Click Save (CTRL+S).
Connect security setting is set up to allow users to use their Windows user name and password to log into Connect Applications. You will be prompted to synchronize Connect users with the active directory. You can synchronize the active directory now or you can use the Synchronize Active Directory view later.