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Recording Invoices to a GL Activity in Accounts Payable
To record expenses to a GL Activity in Accounts Payable, follow these steps: Open Accounts Payable | Invoices and Payments | Enter Invoices. Enter the information for the invoices on the Invoice tab. On the Details tab, enter the GL Activity after ...
Modify Existing Meters, Meter Activity, Multiple Meters, miexcel UB, Meter Reading
Modify Existing Meters, Meter Activity, Multiple Meters, miexcel UB, Meter Reading
Where do the metered usages on various utility reports come from?
Utility Management reports can pull their usage from either the Transaction record or the Meter Activity record, depending on the report. In general, these will be the same, though in some cases they can vary (for example, if adjustments were made ...
Meter Activity
Reporting on a GL Activity
To report on a GL Activity to find out how much and which expenses were coded to an Activity, there are several reports and an inquiry screen that can be used to find out this information. INQUIRY To quickly view how much has been charged to ...