User Guide
This manual has been prepared by Civic Systems for use by customers and licensees of Civic and Caselle software.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s use without the written permission of Civic Systems, LLC.
Civic Systems, LLC
Ten Terrace Court
P.O. Box 7398
Madison, WI 53707-7398
♦ www.civicsystems.com
Revision 1.0
All users will initially receive a Welcome Email. The email will originate from noreply@miviewpoint.civicsystems.com. The email will contain a link to click on so that you can confirm your email address and set your initial password. Once you have established your password, you will be able to logon to miViewPoint.
To confirm your email address and set your password follow these steps:
Please Note: Bookmark this website so you can login later.
To logon to the miViewPoint site, follow these steps:
If you have forgotten your password, follow these steps to reset it:
Once you login, you may receive a What’s New pop-up. This pop-up appears if there has been a new release installed since your last login. What’s New will list all the changes and enhancements on this latest release. Review the list and click Close when finished. This list can be accessed at any time by clicking the version number at the bottom of the menu on the left.
You can logout of miViewPoint by simply clicking the drop-down arrow next to your name in the upper right corner and selecting Logout.
You can modify your profile by clicking on the drop-down arrow next to your name in the upper right corner and selecting My Profile.
Clicking on My Profile provides you with some different settings and options that you can adjust.
After logging in, you will land on the Home page. The Home page communicates items in your queue awaiting your approval and shows any accounts in your Watch List.
The Home page will show any items needing your attention in tiles at the top. Which tiles, if any, is dependent upon what workflows have been implemented by your organization.
The Watch List allows you to monitor the balances and activity of accounts you determine are a priority. The following lists the capabilities of the Watch List.
Period End Date
You can change the period end date to any date in the past or future by clicking on the Period End Date drop-down field. The columns in the Watch List will update automatically when the date is changed. The Watch List will always default to the current month unless a different month is selected from the Period End Date drop-down.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Watch List to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Watch List by adding or removing columns from the Watch List. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Watch List grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
The General Ledger menu provides you with the ability to view balances and activity from three different points-of-view: Account Lookup, Activity Lookup, and Journal Lookup. If some of these options are not listed in the General Ledger menu, the administrator has not given rights to view these.
The Account Lookup provides a list of all account numbers you have been granted access to view. This grid allows you to monitor the balances and activity of each account. To access the Account Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select General Ledger | Account Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Account Lookup.
Period End Date
You can change the Period End Date to any date in the past or future by clicking on the Period End Date drop-down field. The columns in the grid will update automatically when the date is changed. The Account Lookup will always default to the current month unless a different month is selected from the Period End Date drop-down.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Account Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Account Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Account Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “wage” in the Title filter, only those accounts with the word “wage” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Title in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
The Activity Lookup provides a list of all activity numbers you have been granted access to view. This grid allows you to monitor the balances and activity of each activity. To access the Activity Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select General Ledger | Activity Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Activity Lookup.
Period End Date
You can change the Period End Date to any date in the past or future by clicking on the Period End Date drop-down field. The columns in the grid will update automatically when the date is changed. The Activity Lookup will always default to the current month unless a different month is selected from the Period End Date drop-down.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Activity Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Activity Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Activity Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “arena” in the Title filter, only those activities with the word “arena” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Title in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
The Journal Lookup provides a list of all transactions recorded to a specified journal code. Only those transactions recorded to accounts that you have been granted access will appear. To access the Activity Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select General Ledger | Journal Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Journal Lookup.
Period End Date
You can change the Period End Date to any date in the past or future by clicking on the Period End Date drop-down field. The columns in the grid will update automatically when the date is changed. The Journal Lookup will always default to the current month unless a different month is selected from the Period End Date drop-down.
Journal Code
You can change the Journal Code that you would like to view. Journal codes are used to record different types of transactions. For example, Accounts Payable uses the AP journal code to record invoices entered. The columns in the grid will automatically change when the journal code is selected.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Journal Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Journal Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Journal Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “recl” in the Description filter, only those transactions with the letters “recl” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Description in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
The Accounts Payable menu provides you with the ability to view vendor transactions, upload invoice images, and review purchase order history. If some of these options are not listed in the Accounts Payable menu, the administrator has not given rights to view these.
The Vendor/Invoice Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup invoices that have been entered into Accounts Payable. To access the Vendor/Invoice Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Accounts Payable | Vendor/Invoice Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Vendor/Invoice Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can find an invoice based on several criteria: Vendor/Merchant Name/Number, Invoice Number, Keyword, and/or Check Number. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Vendor/Invoice Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Journal Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Journal Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “200” in the Invoice No filter, only those invoices with “200” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Invoice No in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
The Invoice Import provides the ability to attach a scanned image of the invoice after the invoice has been entered and processed.
To attach an image of the invoice, follow these steps:
The image will now be viewable from Account Lookup and Vendor/Invoice Lookup.
The PO Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup purchase orders to view their status, the invoice tied to the purchase order, print the purchase order, and more. To access the PO Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Accounts Payable | PO Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the PO Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can find an invoice based on several criteria: Vendor/Merchant Name/Number and/or PO Number. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the PO Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the PO Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the PO Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “2/2/2019” in the Date filter, only those purchase orders dated “2/2/2019” will appear. No wildcards are necessary.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
The Accounts Receivable menu provides you with the ability to view customer transactions and invoices outstanding to your organization by billing category. If some of these options are not listed in the Accounts Receivable menu, the administrator has not given rights to view these.
The Customer Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup a customer to view billing and payment history and see what invoices are outstanding. To access the Customer Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Accounts Receivable | Customer Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Customer Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can find a customer based on Customer Name/Number. In addition, you can choose to see only those invoices that are open or outstanding. After selecting a customer, the grid will provide you with the transactions.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Customer Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Customer Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Customer Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “rec” in the Category filter, only those invoices with “rec” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Category in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
The Category Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup what customers have outstanding invoices for a specific billing category. To access the Category Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Accounts Receivable | Category Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Category Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can view outstanding invoices for a specific category by using the Category drop-down. In addition, you can choose to see only those invoices that are past due. After selecting a category, the grid will provide you with the transactions.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Category Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Categroy Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Categroy Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
Expand/Collapse Button
When you select a Category, a list of customers with invoices outstanding for that category will appear. You can click the Expand/Collapse button to expand the gird so that you see each outstanding invoice rather than just the name of the customer. You can also expand or collapse an individual customer by clicking on the right-pointing arrow to the left of the customer name.
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “ron” in the Customer Name filter, only those customers with “ron” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Customer in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
The Payroll menu provides you with the ability to view employee pay, benefits, overtime, leave balances and more. If some of these options are not listed in the Payroll menu, the administrator has not given rights to view these.
The Employee List provides you with the ability to see wages, overtime, expenses, and benefits for the employees you have access to. To access the Employee List, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Payroll | Employee List.
The following lists the capabilities of the Employee List.
Lookup Fields
You can filter the employees that appear in the grid by Department, Job Position, Status, and/or Employee Type. In addition, you can choose to see Terminated Employees and view information for the Current Year, Prior Year, or for a date range. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Employee List to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Customer List by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Employee List grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “gordon” in the Employee Name filter, only those employees with “Gordon” will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Employee Name in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
YTDGross – Clicking on the YTDGross will show more detail about that employee. Details include hourly rate, anniversary date, hire date, and more. In addition, in the grid you will see check number, hours, and gross pay for each pay period. You can click on any check number to see more details about that check.
You also have the ability to see what has been paid to an employee By Pay Code rather than By Pay Period. To do this, click on the By Pay Code tab. You will then see a list of pay codes, their title, hours, and amount paid.
By clicking on any employee in the grid, two graphs will generate: Employee Wages and Employee Wage Distribution.
The Employee Wages graph will show how an employee has been paid over time broken down by gross, overtime, expenses, and benefits. You can click on the exporting/pringtin button for options to print or save the graph.
The Employee Wages Distribution graph will show a pie chart breaking down how much an employee’s pay is gross, overtime, expenses, or benefits. You can click on the exporting/printing button for options to print or save the graph.
The Overtime Analysis provides you with the ability to see total overtime paid for the employees you have access to. To access the Employee List, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Payroll | Employee List.
The following lists the capabilities of the Overtime Analysis.
Lookup Fields
You can filter the employees that appear in the grid by Department and Pay Code. In addition, you can view overtime for a Check Issue Date or for a Date Range. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
To view a date range, click the Date Range radio button and enter a Start Check Issue Date and an End Check Issue Date.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Overtime Analysis to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Overtime Analysis by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Overtime Analysis grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “gordon” in the Employee Name filter, only those employees with “Gordon” will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Employee Name in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
Hours and Amount – Clicking on either the Hours or the Amount will show more detail about the overtime paid to that employee. Details include pay code, check issue date, hours, and amount paid.
A bar graph will generate showing how much overtime has been paid over time if you using a Date Range. This graph will show a separate bar for each department.
In addition, you have the ability to drill-down from the graph itself by clicking on any bar. By clicking on a bar, a pop-up will appear showing you the pay code, check issue date, hours, and amount for each employee that makes-up that bar in the graph.
You can click on the exporting/printing button for options to print or save the graph.
Leave Time provides you with the ability to see leave for the employees you have access to. To access Leave Time, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Payroll | Employee List.
The following lists the capabilities of Leave Time.
Lookup Fields
You can filter the employees that appear in the grid by Department and Leave Time. In addition, you can view leave time for the Current Year, Prior Year, or for a Date Range. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Leave Time grid to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Leave Time grid by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Leave Time grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “gordon” in the Employee Name filter, only those employees with “Gordon” will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Employee Name in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
Employee Name and Used – Clicking on either the Employee Name or the Used will show more detail about the leave hours for that employee by pay period. Details include pay period date, pay code title, earned, used, and ending.
You do have the ability to send this summary to the employee by clicking the Send button at the top of the drill-down screen.
The Pay Period Analysis Time provides you with the ability to see employee pay charged to the accounts you have access to by pay period or date range. To access the Pay Period Analysis, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Payroll | Pay Period Analysis.
The following lists the capabilities of the Pay Period Analysis.
Lookup Fields
You can view information for a specific Pay Period or for a Date Range. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Pay Period Analysis grid to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Pay Period Analysis grid by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Pay Period Analysis grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “sal” in the Title filter, only those accounts with “sal” will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Title in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
Gross Regular – Clicking on Gross Regular will show all regular wages charged to this account. The drill-down will show Employee, pay code, hours, rate, amount, and more.
Gross Overtime – Clicking on Gross Overtime will show all ovetime wages charged to this account. The drill-down will show Employee, pay code, hours, rate, amount, and more.
Expenses– Clicking on Expenses will show all employee expenses, like mileage, charged to this account. The drill-down will show Employee, pay code, hours, rate, amount, and more.
Benefits – Clicking on Benefits will show all employee benefits charged to this account. The drill-down will show Employee, pay code, amount, and more.
From the Utility Management menu, you can lookup limited customer information.
The Customer Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup utility customers to view billing and payment history along with consumption. To access the Customer Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Utility Management | Customer Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Customer Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can find a customer based on several criteria: Customer Name/Number and/or Service Address. In addition, you can choose to see terminated customers. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Customer Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Customer Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Customer Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “pali” in the Service Address filter, only those service addresses with “pali” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Service Address in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
Fields within the grid that appear in a blue or red font are hyperlinks. These hyperlinks will allow you to drill-down to get more information. Depending upon what hyperlink you click on, the information provided in the drill-down will vary.
The following is the information that will appear in the drill-down based on what hyperlink you click:
If you click on a customer in the grid, a Consumption trend graph will generate showing how much consumption has been used by the customer over the past two (2) years by service.
You can remove services from the graph by clicking on any service name in the legend.
In addition, clicking the check box next to any customer or customers will place pins ona a Google map.
You can click on the exporting/printing button for options to print or save the graph.
The Police Customer Lookup provides you with the ability to lookup basic information related to utility customers. This view was meant for dispatch to simply view who the active resident is at a service address along with their telephone number and other information. To access the Police Customer Lookup, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Utility Management | Police Customer Lookup.
The following lists the capabilities of the Police Customer Lookup.
Lookup Fields
You can find a customer based on Customer Name/Number. When you are done entering your criteria, click the Search button.
Export All Data
You have the ability to export the data in the Police Customer Lookup to Excel. Simply, click the Export button found on the right side of the screen. Depending upon what browser you are using, you may have a couple more steps to follow to export the data into Excel.
Column Chooser
You have the ability to customize the Customer Lookup by adding or removing columns from the data grid. Simply, click the Column Chooser button found on the right side of the screen. A pop-up will appear providing you with a list of additional columns that can be added to the grid. Add a column by clicking and dragging it into the appropriate place in the Customer Lookup grid. Alternatively, you can remove a column by clicking and dragging the column from the grid back into the Column Chooser list. The following are the columns available and a brief description of each:
You can filter the grid by typing in the space below the column headings. As you type, the grid will filter to only show what matches. For example, if you type “pali” in the Service Address filter, only those service addresses with “pali” in it will appear. No wildcards are necessary. The system will search through every part of the Service Address in this example.
Additional filtering capabilities exist depending upon the type of column that it is. You can access these additional capabilities by hovering over the magnifying glass at the top of any column.
Filtering options for Text field Filtering options for Number field
If you click on the check box next to any customer or customers, a pin appear on the Google map indicating the physical location of that address or addresses.
You can click on the exporting/printing button for options to print or save the graph.
From the Other menu, you can view reports that have been from the system and generate some of your own reports.
The Folder Document Viewer provides you with the ability to view reports that someone has generated from the financial or utility billing system for you to view. To access the Folder Viewer, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Other | Folder Viewer.
Simply click on any report that appears in the list. The report will then appear on the right side of the screen.
Reports provides you with the ability to run several preset reports. To access the Reports, move your mouse to the left so that the menu slides out and select Other | Reports.
Available Reports
Click on the Select a report category drop-down to see a list of reports available.
In the Reports menu you can run several different preset reports.
If some reports do not appear, you have not been granted access to the report(s). The following is a list of reports available:
To select a month/period, click on Criteria at the top.
Then select a Period End Date from the drop-down.
Click anywhere to the left to close the Criteria screen. Then, click Generate.
To select a month/period, click on Criteria at the top.
Then select a Period End Date from the drop-down.
Click to the left to close the Criteria screen. Then, click Generate.
Report Options
After a report is generated, you have several options as follows: