Change format (allow for two decimal places) on the invoice quantity field

Change format (allow for two decimal places) on the invoice quantity field

Note: This same process can be followed to modify any field on the A/R invoice form.

To change the invoice quantity format, you will need to go into the forms editor for the accounts receivable invoice.  You can either get to that from Organization | Forms in A/R, or you can link to it from Invoices report screen on the "Forms" tab:



When you are in the forms editor, select the form that you would like to edit, and you should end up on a screen something like this one:




Right click the quantity field that you would like to change, and select Settings:




In the settings box for that field, copy and paste the following text into the Format box:  #,###.00;; ;



Hit the Accept button and repeat for each of the quantity fields on the form.  When you are done, click the Save button to save the changes to the form.

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