Our Community Connect Portal Tips

Our Community Connect Portal Tips

Below are some tips for managing payments and accounts on your online portal.

Disable Payment Reminder Email For Autopay Customers

If you do not want to send the Payment Due Message email to utility customers who have sign-up for autopay, follow these steps.

1.  Login to the portal as administrator.
2.  Under Administration, click on Portal Configuration.

3.  Click on the Email tab.

4.  Check the Disable Payment Reminder if Auto Pay Configured? checkbox.
5.  Click Save in the upper right.

Email Bills/Paperless Billing

If a utility customer wants their utility bill emailed to them, the email address is controlled by the address entered into the Email field on the customer record.  In addition, the customer will get their bill emailed to them only if the user-defined field is checked on the customer record.  If the customer chooses Paperless Billing when signed-in to the portal, this field will automatically get checked within your Utility Billing module.  To view these fields, follow these steps:

1.  In Utility Billing, go to Customers | Modify Existing Customers.
2.  Navigate to the appropriate customer you want to look at.
3.  The Email field will appear on the left side of the screen.
4.  To view if the customer is receiving a paperless bill, click on the User-Defined tab.
5.  If the appropriate field is checked, the customer is receiving a paperless bill.  The field may be named several different things.  For example, "OptOut", "EmailBills", "Ebills", etc.

Email Bills to Multiple Email Addresses

If a customer account needs their bill emailed to more than one email address, follow these steps to set that up:

1.  In Utility Billing, go to Customers | Modify Existing Customers.
2.  Navigate to the appropriate customer you want to look at.
3.  In the Email field on the left side of the screen, enter the email addresses separated by a semicolon (;) with no spaces between them.

Unlinking Accounts

You have the ability to unlink an account to an email address.  This is helpful if you have linked your work/admin email to an account for test purposes or for other reasons.  To unlink the account, follow these steps:

1.  Login to the portal as administrator.
2.  Under Administration, click on Portal Users.
3.  Under the Customer Name or Customer Email column enter the name or email you are looking for.

4.  Click the trash can to the right.

5.  A pop-up will appear confirming you wish to delete this record.  Click Yes.

Removing a Payment Method from the Wallet

If you link a customer account to your work/admin email address, the customer's wallet (credit cards, bank account, etc.) will NOT be accessible by the actual customer.  If you add a payment method on a linked account that is using your work/admin email address, that payment method will stay in your wallet.  To remove the payment method, follow these steps:

1.  Login to the portal using your work/admin email address.
2.  While on the Home tab, click on Mange Wallet on the right.
3.  Find the payment method in the list.  Click on the trash can to the right.
4.  A pop-up will appear confirming you wish to delete this record.  Click Yes.

Reset Password for a Customer

If a customer calls saying they didn't receive the password reset email, ask them to check their junk or spam folder.  If they still can't find it, you can check the spelling of the email for them to make sure it is correct.  To do so, follow these steps:

1.  Login to the portal as administrator.
2.  Under Administration, click on Portal Users.
3.  Under the Customer Name or Customer Email column enter the name or email you are looking for.

4.  If it is spelled incorrectly, have them setup a new login with the proper spelling.

Site is Down for Maintenance Error

If you login to the portal and see a bright red error message on top saying that the site is down for maintenance, the miViewPoint service needs to be restarted on your server.  Please contact your IT and have them restart the miViewPoint API service on the server.