Creating W-2 and 1099 Electronic Files

Creating W-2 and 1099 Electronic Files

Summary: You can create an electronic W-2 file to be sent to the federal government in Caselle Clarity Payroll.

  • Any income tax withheld by a third party needs to be loaded in the Organization table.

  • The Social Security Administration has free software available to test the magnetic media W-2 file. Go to



How do I create an electronic W-2 file?

How do I create an electronic W-2 file to resubmit?

Updated 16Oct2017



Do this...

1. Open Caselle Clarity Payroll > W-2 and 1099 Recipients > Create Electronic W-2 File.

2. Set up these fields.

Tax year: Enter a tax year (YYYY) to be used to create the W-2s.

File name: Enter the file name. Include the drive and path to create the file in a specific location. The default location is the default Caselle directory. Click Browse to search for a file.

Authorized employee's PIN: Enter the PIN number given by the SSA.

Resubmitted: Select the checkbox if this file has been resubmitted.

Resubmitted WFID: Enter the resubmitted wage file identifier (WFID) given by the SSA.

Include: Select a report type. Select No Report to create the file without printing a report. Select Totals Only Report to include only totals and electronic file summary. Select Detail Report to include employee information along with totals.

Include federal wage/tax information: Select the checkbox to include federal wage/tax information found in the RW record on the report.

Include other federal information (W-2 codes): Select the checkbox to include the W-2 code disbursements in the report (Codes J, K, L, and P are not reported in the electronic file).

Include state information: Select the checkbox to include state and local information found in the RS record on the report.

Include U.S. territories: Select the checkbox to include Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and Norther Mariana information found in the RO record on the report.

3. Click GO (CTRL+G).

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