General Ledger
Fund out of balance (Checkout error)
If you receive a Checkout error indicating that you have funds that are out of balance, follow these steps to correct this issue: 1. In the General Ledger, go to Journals > Create Allocations. 2. Verify the Period is set to the proper month. 3. ...
Why am I getting a "GL proof error"? (Financial Statements)
You may receive a warning message that the "GL did not proof to zero" when running a financial statement. This warning is simply telling you that Allocations need to be run to balance out cash amongst all of your funds. Follow these steps to ...
Ending balance does not match beginning balance (Checkout error)
If you receive a Checkout error indicating that the ending balance for an account does not match its beginning balance, follow these steps to correct this issue: 1. Open General Ledger > Organization > Recompute Beginning Balances. 2. Click GO. ...
How do I close a period?
When you finish reconciling the bank statement, use this routine to close a period. When you close a period, users cannot make any changes in the period closed. You do have the ability to reopen the period if you have the proper permissions. To ...
How do I reopen a closed period?
If you have the proper permissions, you have the ability to reopen a closed period. Follow these steps: 1. Open General Ledger > Organization > Organization. 2. Find the Last period closed field. Change the field to the period preceding the period ...
How do I set up a closing account for a fund?
Each fund needs a closing account (i.e. fund balance or retained earnings) to close out its revenues and expenditures. You an specify which account is the closing account for a fund by following these steps: 1. Open Connect General Ledger > ...
Why don’t I see period zero (00/YY) in Checkout?
If you are completing your year-end steps for General Ledger, one of the steps is to run Checkout for period zero. There are times when you cannot see period zero and you are only seeing periods from the prior fiscal year. This is because your ...
Can I work in more than one fiscal year?
The answer to this question is “yes”. You can run Close Year-End at any time once you are in the new fiscal year. For example, let us say that my fiscal year end is December. I can run Close Year End right away in January, if I choose. This will ...
Copy Account Ranges
You can create new accounts by copying from an existing account range that already exists. This can be helpful when setting up a new fund. In the steps below, fund 365 is used as a template for fund a fund 366. 1. Open General Ledger > ...
How do I stop old checks from showing on a bank reconciliation?
How do I stop old checks from showing on a bank reconciliation? Create a journal entry for void checks and then clear it. For example, there may be a check that shows up on the bank reconciliation. To stop the check from showing up, you'll need to ...
Exporting a trial balance
Exporting a trial balance Create a file to export the trial balance from Caselle to use it in Microsoft Excel. Do this... 1. Open Connect or Clarity General Ledger > Reports > Trial Balance. 2. Set up the report options to choose the trial balance to ...