Recording Employee Time in miTime Related to Emergency Sick Leave

Recording Employee Time in miTime Related to Emergency Sick Leave

To record employee time to a Pay Code setup for the Emergency Paid Leave Act of 2020, we need to make sure we have a Time Task setup and that Activities are enabled.  Follow these steps:

First, we need to create a Time Task to be used by any department and employee that needs access to this Pay Code.  Follow these steps:
  1. In miPayOnline, login as someone with administrator rights and go to Administration | Time Tasks.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter a Task Name. 
  4. Select the Pay Code that was created to track this time from the drop-down.  If you do not see the Pay Code in the drop-down, click the Update Paycodes button on the right.  Wait a minute for the Pay Codes to sync.  Then, try again.
  5. Provide a Category if they are being used.
  6. Click the Leave Time checkbox.
  7. Provide a GL Account, if necessary.
  8. Click Save Task.
  9. If other Time Tasks are needing to be setup for other departments, you can use the Copy button to copy the Time Task you just created and then make any necessary changes.

First, we need to enable Activities for any departments that will need the ability to record their time to an Activity.  Follow these steps:
  1. In miPayOnline, login as someone with administrator rights and go to Administration | Time Entry Templates.
  2. Select the Template on the right that needs the Time Task and GL Activity created in previous steps.
  3. Click the Show GL Activities checkbox.
  4. Click on the Tasks tab.
  5. Check the Task or Tasks that will need to be available for this department under Available Tasks.  
  6. Click Add Selected.
  7. Click on the Caselle Activities tab.
  8. Check the Activity or Activities that will need to be available for this department under Available Activities.  If you do not see the Activity, it is probably because you just added it into your General Ledger and miTime has not had a chance to sync those Activities.  To force a sync, follow these steps:
    1. Go to Administration | Time Tasks.
    2. Click Update GL Activities on the right.
    3. Wait a minute or so for the syncing to complete.
    4. Go back to step 5.
  9. Click Add Selected.
  10. Click the Save Template button at the top.
  11. Repeat steps through 10 for each additional Template.

To enter time to a GL Activity, the individual employee will need to follow these steps.
  1. in miPayOnline, go to Time | Time Entry.
  2. Add a Task and select the one created in the previous steps.  You may also add this Task as one of your Standard Entries.
  3. in the Activity field, click the drop-down and select the appropriate Activity that time should be charged to.

This time will automatically be downloaded to Payroll as a part of your normal process.  In addition, when you update the General Ledger from Payroll, employee wages will be updated to both the GL Account used for that time entry along with the GL Activity.  
PLEASE NOTE: The employee's benefits will also be allocated to this GL Activity.  For example, if a person spent 20% of their time on this GL Activity, 20% of their benefits will also be recorded to this Activity automatically.

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