Connect Quarterly Update - 2022.11
Release Date: November 2022
Version: 2022.11
All Applications
From Updates
- The following forms have been updated to the use the new form designer: Accounts Payable Checks, Utility Management Delinquent Notices.
- Previous version of these forms will update automatically. While most forms should have been updated without issue, please check any existing forms prior to printing.
- The prior forms version have been moved to the Old Reports dialog box.
- The Convert Forms routine has been added. It converts a form or report definition to use the tools and features in the new forms designer. (System Management | System Tools | Convert Forms)
Import Report Forms/Definitions, Export Report Forms/Definitions
- The view was updated to handle the current forms and the forms created using the new form designer. The prior version of the definition or form is still included with the suffix (old) added to the form type. Example [Form Name](old) .
- When importing an old version of a form or definition, you will be prompted to update it to the new version.
Print Preview
- The toolbar in the Print Preview window has been updated. The new toolbar will be displayed for new forms that have been updated to the new new form layout.The view was updated to handle the current forms and the forms created using the new form designer. The prior version of the definition or form is still included with the suffix (old) added to the form type. Example [Form Name](old) .
- Filters are color-coded in the row that shows the filter criteria that's applied in the view.
- The Clear button has been removed from the Find Panel. You can delete any values entered directly in the search field.
System Management
Related Records Report
- The [Report].Service address column has been added to the Related Records section.
- We changed how the Requested By field works. The view will use the current user as the default user requesting the requisition.
- This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
- An option has been added to renumber checks to the Reprint Checks window.
- The view has been changed to update the check number for each bank as a separate item.
- The view has been changed to store a separate check number for ACH records and check records.
- Invoice.Payment Due Date and PO Number has been added to the check form.
Accounts Receivable
Categories (Watch Video (0m52s))
- The length of the Description field has been increased to 50 characters.
Animal License
Setup New Licenses (Watch Video (0m42s))
- The Veterinarian Name and Microchip Manufacturer fields have changed to accept a new entry or select a value from a list of previous entries.
Backflow Management
Assembly List (Watch Video (0m33s))
- New checkboxes have been added: Include Active Customers checkbox and Include Inactive Customers checkbox.
Business License
Owners (Watch Video (1m39s))
- New fields have been added: Secondary Name, Attention.
Cash Receipting
Categories (Watch Video (1m17s))
- A new Default Customer field for categories without an interface has been added. It allows the user to use a default value on every payment if the option is set up.
Deposit List (Watch Video (0m47s))
- The Payment Types box has been updated with new controls. Use the controls in the header row to select all payment types by report section.
Process Online Payments (Watch Video (2m35s))
- The routine has been updated to better handle voided and refunded payments with a negative amount.
- The Imported Without Matching the Original Source section has been added to the detail report. The new section will report any records with an unmatched original source.
- The summary section of the detail report has been updated to count the number of records reported in the Imported Without Matching the Original Source section.
Cemetery Management
Recalculate (Watch Video (0m54s))
- The Assign Missing Unformatted Locations checkbox has been added.
Codes (Watch Video (1m00s))
- New functionality has been added to the Description field. To start a new line, press the Enter key. To move through the Description field, use the new scroll bar.
- The Contractor tab has been updated to allow you to use the same contractor with a different type.
- Drill-down capability has been added to the Inspection Number column. Clicking on the inspection number will open the Inspection List.
General Ledger
Copy Actual Amounts to a Single Period (Watch Video (1m41s))
- The Round Amounts to the Nearest Whole Dollar checkbox has been added. Use it to round the copied amounts to the nearest whole dollar.
- The Round Amounts to the Nearest Whole Dollar checkbox has been added. Use it to round the copied amounts to the nearest whole dollar.
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
- Use Specific Date has been added to the Options window. It adds the ability to select the date on the reversing transaction.
- How reversing entries are processed has changed. Reversing entries won't be created until the view is closed. This will give you a chance to edit reversing entries before the reversal takes place.
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
Human Resources
Employee Inquiry (Watch Video (0m48s))
- New columns have been added to the display grid: Source, Issued By.
Materials Management
Benefits Register
- Drill-down capabilities have been added to the Amount field.
- The routine has been updated to calculate the correct amount for salaried employees with end dates on a prior position.
- The routine has been updated to calculate the correct amount for checks that net to zero.
- The Check for Transactions After Pay Code End Dates checkbox has been added. It searches for transactions with a transaction date that occurs after the pay code end date.
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
- Instructions for filing online has been added to the report.
- The Print Grid option has been added to the Print button.
- The option to print fringe benefit amounts in italics has been added.
- The Employee(HR).Notes report column has been added. Adding the report column will add the notes section to the report.
- W-4 information has been added to the report.
- The calculation grid to include has been updated to include out-of-balance amounts.
- The routine to support entering multiple single checks without printing the check between each entry has been updated.
- The updated report has been updated to count the number of employees included in the report.
- Notifications have been added. Users can receive a notification to run the adjust carryover hours routine.
- This new report has been added. The report shows the pay code settings from the Pay Code table.
- The Salary option has been removed from the Amount/Rate/Percent Type field on the Employer settings.
- The Copy Record (SHIFT+F7) has been updated to copy the debit override funds and account to the new record.
- When pay codes have different period amounts, the box will display with a gray background instead of a white background.
- The Manage Filters has been enhanced to support excluding terminated employee records from the employee records.
- A Personal Pronouns box has been added to store an employee's preferred personal pronoun.
- The Positions grid has been updated to support resizing the grid. The grid will keep the grid settings.
- The Job Share Percentage box has been updated to store a percentage to support positions that will be filled by more than one employee.
- The Marital Status menu has been updated. It includes divorced, domestic partner, married, single, unknown, widow, and widower.
- The lookup bar has changed to support scrolling through employee records by department.
State Retirement - Minnesota
- The report has been updated to support the latest changes to the state retirement report.
Utility Management
Close Period/Cycle (Watch Video (1m57s))
- A new criteria has been added to the routine to keep credit usage balances better maintained from period to period.
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
Delete Retired Meters (Watch Video (0m42s))
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
Delinquent List/Notices (Watch Video (3m53s))
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
- The Cosigner variables have been added as available variables to use on the form.
- The Cosigner table columns have been added as available columns to add in the Selection Criteria.
- The Landlord variables have been added as available variables to use on the form.
- Variables for Landlord Message and Cosigner Message have been added. These variables will only display when either the option to print an additional copy or substitute an address is selected.
- The Shutoff and Due Date options have moved to the Forms Prompts tab. If a variable requires a prompt of any kind, the variable will be added as a line item to the tab list.
- The Abort warning message has been added when moving off the Review tab.
- The Review tab has changed to support a new grid that allows columns to be added, removed, and adjusted in size.
- A count of the selected customers has been added in the top right corner of the Review tab. You can use the new checkboxes in the Review tab to select customers and see a total number of customers selected.
High Consumption Report (Watch Video (0m59s))
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
- The [Report].Total Amount has been added to the report columns.
Meter Consumption Report (Watch Video (0m59s))
- This report has been updated to the new reporting features.
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