Connect Quarterly Update - 2024.05

Connect Quarterly Update - 2024.05

Below are the changes/enhancements in the release noted.  Please utilize the videos next to most items to learn about those changes/enhancements.  

Release Date:         May 2024

Version:                 2024.05

Install Instructions:       Install instructions WITH COWS 
                                                Install instructions WITOUT COWS         

Accounts Payable

1099 Reconciliation Report (Watch Video (0m38s))
  • A new 1099 Reconciliation Report - Vendor >=600 [Caselle Master] report has been added to show vendors with purchases greater than $600.
Create ACH File (Watch Video (0m49s))
Create Recurring Invoices (Watch Video (2m36s))
  • This routine has been updated with a new look and feel. (Read help article)
  • The ability to select an input date when creating invoices has been added.
  • The ability to use alphanumeric values for the invoice number has been added.
  • The bank and department fields have been added to this view.
Enter Manual Checks (Watch Video (0m43s))
  • This view has been updated to print checks using the new check forms.
Load Beginning Balances (Watch Video (0m53s))
  • This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
  • A vendor information section has been added  to the view.
Setup New Vendors/Modify Existing Vendors (Watch Video (0m44s))
  • The length of the description field has been lengthened on the Recurring Invoices tab.
Update General Ledger (Watch Video (1m42s))
  • This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
  • The Selection Criteria has been added to this view.
  • The Summarize ACH check records checkbox has been added to summarize ACH payments.
Update Project Accounting 
  • This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
Vendor Inquiry (Watch Video (1m18s))
  • The ability to show details by default on the Invoices tab has been added.

Business License

License Status List

  • This view has been updated to support new reporting features.

Cash Receipting

Categories (Watch Video (5m43s))

  • A sales tax option has been added to the distribution tab that allows multiple tax rates to be set up per category.

Enter Payments (Watch Video (5m43s))

  • The routine has been updated to automatically calculate sales tax distribution after a distribution amount is entered.

Community Development

Inspection List

  • This view has been updated to support the new report features.


  • This view has been updated with a new look and feel.
  • User-defined fields from the Inspection Type table has been added as a variable that can be used on the inspection form.
  • This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
  • An Approval Groups grid has been added to quickly add a user to a group without exiting the view.
Violation Notices 
  • This view has been updated to support the new report features.
  • A new option to print a copy for the primary owner has been added. (Forms tab > Print a copy for the primary owner checkbox)
  • A new option to print a copy for additional contacts has been added. (Forms tab > Print a copy for the additional contacts list)
  • Violation Notes has been added as a form variable. 
  • User-defined fields for the Violation table has been added as a form variable.  You can use the variables to add user-defined fields to the violation notice form definition.

General Ledger

Reconcile Bank Account (Watch Video (8m13s))

  • This view has been updated with a new look and feel.
  • An option to create journal entries has been added.
  • The bank list has been changed to order banks by bank number. (Read help article)
  • The reconciliation options has been updated to allow you to select a default bank. (Read help article)

Update Project Accounting

  • This view has been updated with a new look and feel.


Calculate Benefit Amounts (Watch Video (1m12s))

  • This routine has been updated to look at position dates on the employee to calculate benefit amounts.

Calculate Payroll (Watch Video (1m12s))

  • This routine has been updated to look at position dates on the employee to calculate benefit amounts.
Employee Compensation Report (Old)
  • Employee Compensation Report (Old) was removed from the application.
Pay by Exception Report (Old)
  • Pay by Exception Report (Old) was removed from the applications.
  • The Hours field has been updated to support up to four (4) decimal places (0.0000).

Positions (Watch Video (0m46s))

  • The Activate positions checkbox has been added to the position department.  Selecting the checkbox will change the department position status to inactive(Read help article)

Project Accounting

Job Inventory Report

  • This view has been updated to support new reporting features.

Master Job List

  • This view has been updated to support new reporting features.


Organization (Watch Video (1m13s))

  • The ability to choose timekeeping activities that will allow negative entries has been added.

Utility Management

Checkout (Watch Video (0m52s))

  • Check for reading in different periods with same read date has been added as a new option to the Meter activity information section. (Read help article)

Contract List (Watch Video (1m33s))

  • This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
  • New columns in the Service Detail report section have been added: [Report].Amount billed[Report].Unpaid amount[Report].Amount to be billed.
  • New columns in the Main report section have been added: [Report].Ending period, [Report].Starting period

Customer Inquiry (Watch Video (0m58s))

  • The Aging Amount by Service Chart has been added to the history tab.  This new stacked bar chart will display the service amount breakdown per period for each service.

Electronic Read Formats (Watch Video (1m42s))

  • A delimited file type option for import type formats has been added.

Rate Summary (Watch Video (1m49s))

  • The report has been updated to show the total amount of the number of units times the minimum amount in the Base/Minimum column instead of showing the excess amount.  This will only take effect if the Activate units base option is selected on the rate.

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