Connect Quarterly Update - 2024.05
Below are the changes/enhancements in the release noted. Please utilize the videos next to most items to learn about those changes/enhancements.
Release Date: May 2024
Version: 2024.05
- A new 1099 Reconciliation Report - Vendor >=600 [Caselle Master] report has been added to show vendors with purchases greater than $600.
- This routine has been updated with a new look and feel. (Read help article)
- The ability to select an input date when creating invoices has been added.
- The ability to use alphanumeric values for the invoice number has been added.
- The bank and department fields have been added to this view.
- This view has been updated to print checks using the new check forms.
- This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
- A vendor information section has been added to the view.
- The length of the description field has been lengthened on the Recurring Invoices tab.
- This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
- The Selection Criteria has been added to this view.
- The Summarize ACH check records checkbox has been added to summarize ACH payments.
Update Project Accounting
- This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
- The ability to show details by default on the Invoices tab has been added.
Business License
License Status List
- This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
Cash Receipting
Categories (Watch Video (5m43s))
- A sales tax option has been added to the distribution tab that allows multiple tax rates to be set up per category.
- The routine has been updated to automatically calculate sales tax distribution after a distribution amount is entered.
Inspection List
- This view has been updated to support the new report features.
- This view has been updated with a new look and feel.
- User-defined fields from the Inspection Type table has been added as a variable that can be used on the inspection form.
- This routine has been updated with a new look and feel.
- An Approval Groups grid has been added to quickly add a user to a group without exiting the view.
Violation Notices
- This view has been updated to support the new report features.
- A new option to print a copy for the primary owner has been added. (Forms tab > Print a copy for the primary owner checkbox)
- A new option to print a copy for additional contacts has been added. (Forms tab > Print a copy for the additional contacts list)
- Violation Notes has been added as a form variable.
- User-defined fields for the Violation table has been added as a form variable. You can use the variables to add user-defined fields to the violation notice form definition.
- This view has been updated with a new look and feel.
- An option to create journal entries has been added.
- The bank list has been changed to order banks by bank number. (Read help article)
- The reconciliation options has been updated to allow you to select a default bank. (Read help article)
Update Project Accounting
- This view has been updated with a new look and feel.
- This routine has been updated to look at position dates on the employee to calculate benefit amounts.
- This routine has been updated to look at position dates on the employee to calculate benefit amounts.
Employee Compensation Report (Old)
- Employee Compensation Report (Old) was removed from the application.
Pay by Exception Report (Old)
- Pay by Exception Report (Old) was removed from the applications.
- The Hours field has been updated to support up to four (4) decimal places (0.0000).
- The Activate positions checkbox has been added to the position department. Selecting the checkbox will change the department position status to inactive. (Read help article)
Project Accounting
Job Inventory Report
- This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
Master Job List
- This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
- The ability to choose timekeeping activities that will allow negative entries has been added.
- Check for reading in different periods with same read date has been added as a new option to the Meter activity information section. (Read help article)
- This view has been updated to support new reporting features.
- New columns in the Service Detail report section have been added: [Report].Amount billed, [Report].Unpaid amount, [Report].Amount to be billed.
- New columns in the Main report section have been added: [Report].Ending period, [Report].Starting period.
- The Aging Amount by Service Chart has been added to the history tab. This new stacked bar chart will display the service amount breakdown per period for each service.
- A delimited file type option for import type formats has been added.
- The report has been updated to show the total amount of the number of units times the minimum amount in the Base/Minimum column instead of showing the excess amount. This will only take effect if the Activate units base option is selected on the rate.
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